Fourever Lane

Happy. New. Year.

First off, I want to start by saying THANK YOU! Thank you from the bottom of my heart, for all of your love and support in 2018. With everything that happened last year, I can finally look back and say that I am exactly where I am supposed to be. It was such a blessing in disguise to have our lives completely shaken up, and rearranged because it brought us Fourever Lane. 

You see for the longest time I felt- exhausted, present, but not, stressed and just overall anxious. I was traveling a lot and being away from the kids and RT was really hard. If you know me; you know that I have SERIOUS FOMO. I never want to miss a thing. 

I want to be home, around the kids, where it's {sometimes} chaotic and there is always L O V E. I want to be around all of Nash's stinky lacrosse gear, and on the mat at Stone's wrestling tournaments. I want to be home playing with Tillie as she changes in and out of her Elsa dress for the hundredth time.

Since opening Fourever Lane, I have been able to be home with the kids and that means E VE R Y T H I N G to me. {It also helps that my commute is just a hop skip, and a jump to the shop above our garage. HA.} 

Fourever Lane has allowed me to feel like ME again. MP again. The passion that I have always had for clothing and fashion has been reignited like a fire inside of me and it's exciting

With that being said, big things are coming in 2019! For starters, this blog--- KEEPING UP WITH MP! 

This is where I am going to share everything with you.

Follow along for all things family, Fourever Lane, beauty, business, and so much more! We're just gettin' started.

Stay Fresh,



YOU bring so much JOY to all of us with your passion, drive and LOVE for fashion! I just want to say THANK YOU so much for being YOU!!! I’m so excited to follow along this journey with Fourever Lane!

Kimberly Walters January 15, 2019

Sometimes things happen and we question it, while other times things happen and you immediately say this is going to be good. YOU are amazing, you bring a vibe with you that no one else on Earth has, your passion for amazing fashion is just part of it. Your passion for your family and togetherness is what attracted me to you, the bad A fashionista is the icing on the already extremely delicious cake. God has some amazing things just around the corner for you, you ain’t seen nothing yet. You already know how I feel about this, about you, and your family. 2019 is off to an amazing start and this year is going to blow your socks off. “Get it girl”, build your Empire!!

Tamara Holland January 09, 2019

So HAPPY to see you finally HAPPY. I’m a Fourever Lane shopper for life and more importantly, I’m an MP cheerleader, rooting you and the business you were meant to have and lead! Congratulations on this new milestone and this new year 💗💗

Nicole January 07, 2019

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