We are almost three months in with Fourever Lane and let me tell you:

Growth is painful. Change is painful. But nothing is as painful as getting in your own way. (Trust me, I am notorious for it.)

I love owning Fourever Lane with RT. It feels right but I still have days, or even just moments where I wonder, "What are we doing?" I mean our lives were completely turned upside down and I'd be lying if I said it doesn't (still) bother me. Because aside from losing LLR, I lost all of my friends. Or should I say I lost people who I thought were my friends. People who I thought were my family.

Having all of that ripped from me, really did a number on my self-esteem and it was about time I snapped out of it. 

My girlfriend, Nicole is a boudoir photographer and her mission is to essentially make you feel like gold. Seriously! She reminds you of how strong, beautiful and powerful you are. She captures these incredible photos of you which instantly boost your confidence. 


After my boudoir session, I felt like I had broken my own limits and pushed my own boundaries because lets be honest I'm a sensitive prude. Ha!

But in all seriousness, while looking at these pictures, I saw myself in a new light. I was instantly accepting of myself and of my story. It was the first time in a long time, where I didn't instantly pick myself apart.

As I swiped through my gallery, I couldn't help but smile. I saw myself for who I was. Meagan Parker. Wife. Mom.  Badass business owner. A woman who wasn't going to let her past define her. And a woman who wasn't going to give up but rather get up! In these photos, I saw what I have known all along. I am ME.  I AM MP. That is my super power. These photos reminded me that I am in control. 

Big thank you to Nicole for these photos and even moreso for the reminder I've been needing.

“Don’t run from a single wretched thing. Come into contact with fear, work through the wounds, remain patient with resistance. Because everything beautiful is waiting for you.” -Victoria Erickson 

If you would like to book a session of your own please email 


Do it for yourself! You'll be glad you did.





Meagan you got this girl. I also did a boudoir shoot and it totally changes you!!! It changes your mindset. It is hard to explain. I love supporting small business’ and I love your brand!!! Keep shining, you can only go up!

Megan N. January 29, 2019

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